Aiming For Success: Inside A Case Study For Our Innovative Gun Range App

The ability to streamline your business operations can be critical to the success of your business, and gun ranges are no exception. With many unique business needs, finding software that can perfectly fit a shooting range is important. Today, we unravel the story behind how our gun range app transformed our client’s business. 

Promote Your Programming With Our Gun Range App

One of our clients, Justin, owns a gun range. Justin offers bay rentals based on different client groups. He also offers private lessons for archery, long-gun, and short-range. His beginner clients typically started with private lessons before working their way up to group lessons. All of his clients start with an evaluation at his range. This is critical in ensuring that all his clients have the proper licenses. 

Justin’s biggest revenue was his programming. Since it was the biggest source of revenue, he prioritized his programming over other services. Some of the programming he offered included conceal carry classes, social nights, and ladies’ nights. Conceal carry classes involved a lot of space management for Justin. Their classes spent a mix of time both in the classroom and on the range. Having an app that could easily manage all of Justin’s spaces made managing his programming way easier. 

Fit Your Gun Range App Features To Your Business

The most common or outdated scheduling software tends to be a poor fit for gun ranges, for one main reason: they typically require clients to sign waivers. These waivers need to come with a digital signature for liability reasons. Unfortunately, that is not a common feature for most scheduling software. Luckily, eSoft Planner’s software contains a waiver that you can require all clients to sign before they attend any of the programming. 

Another important feature is being able to track custom fields. These custom fields can be anything you want them to be, but many gun ranges use them to track license numbers. They can also track whether their clients have gotten certified. Justin’s model focused on helping clients get certified as well as getting them to come in and practice their shooting. With these custom fields, Justin can easily manage his clients and prioritize organization without doing everything himself. 


From streamlining scheduling to managing waivers, a gun range app can help your business aim for success. The innovative features go beyond what a typical scheduling software can handle. For insights into how our app can help your business grow, request a demo of our software. Make sure to join our community on Facebook and LinkedIn